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Outreach and Equipping Cross County

These are the ministries that equip and serve the whole community around us. Some of these local ministries include caring for children in the foster system, parents with adopted children, Parables at the Park, Spiritual Warfare training and more.

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Life Groups

Parables at the Park

This our yearly summer event at Cottonwood Park on Union by the tracks. Each night we have a Bible story for kids, games, music and food for all. Each night, we plan to give away “back to school basics.” We give away hygiene essentials, socks, t-shirts and undergarments for kids. We also like to have some people there to give fresh back-to-school haircuts.

Training and Equipping

Follow us on Facebook to see our upcoming events.

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Marriage Conference

Marriage Conference: Feb. 14 & 15

Other ministries include:

  • Clothes Closet

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